
Darrel was a great football player. He was short, but very tough and hard to bring down in a tackle. Many an opponent underestimated his strength and regretted it later!

Lower Street House

Ginny, Maureen, Dan and Darrel(with his arms crossed) This picture was taken in the house on lower street in Ponca, NE. We had just returned from Pat Kayl's wedding in Kearney, Nebraska. As little boys they always had matching outfits, making it nearly impossible to tell them apart.

Fun on Little Tractors

Ginny on dad Gary's lap with Darrel and Dan getting towed behind. Grandpa Ray Kayl's farm

Kids in Awe at Christmas Time

This might be the Christmas that we saw dad kiss mom in front of us??? Or maybe mom and dad just discovered the chocolate pudding that we threw at the wall behind the kitchen table for "target practice?" Never a dull moment at the Kayl house. 😊

All Smiles!

Darrel is holding the ball on the left. Even at this age, the boys spoke a language that was all their own---only Ginny could decipher what they were saying to each other. Often mom would have to come and get Ginny to figure out what they were saying. Once Darrel got an angel food cake pan stuck on his head and Dan frantically tried to tell mom that Darrel was in trouble!

Don't take my picture

Darrel never did enjoy being the center of attention. This picture was probably taken by a sister who had a brand new camera with a "flip flash" and 210 film. We would have walked it downtown to Keller's Drug Store and anxiously awaited its return in a week to see what pictures turned out.


So very proud of his banana seat and super fast bike, Darrel put a lot of miles on this machine. He would even give you a ride, if you asked him to. No helmets, no pads---just tearing up the streets of Ponca.

Family picture

This photo was taken at Ginny's First Communion outside of Katherine and Darrell Pogue's house in Ponca. Darrel is standing in front of mom. Our neighbor "Pogue" (as we called him) would always tease the boys and say that he was going to hang them by their toes on his clothes line if they walked in his grass---hence both boys stood very close to mom and dad during this picture just to be safe

The Whole Family.

This is the only official family picture that exists of the entire Kayl family. Darrel died about 18 months after this picture was taken. It was nearly impossible to get the entire crew together. Back Row:Maureen Thompson-Kayl,Darrel Kayl,Ginny DeBates-Kayl, Dan Kayl, Front Row:Jeri Kayl, Sarah McGill-Kayl, Mike Kayl, Katie Bousquet-Kayl, Christine Kayl, Gary Kayl

Graduation Day.

Darrel and Dan dressed up for graduation. Standing in the yard of the farm on Highway 12.

Senior Photos.

Darrel's senior yearbook photo. For many years this photo was placed in the dining room of the Elms Care Center where he worked during high school. Darrel was a wonderful, caring soul who spent many hours helping the older and the disabled folks at the care center. He touched many lives there and they were devastated to lose him.

Senior Photo

Darrel standing by his 1969 Chevelle. After working many, many hours at the nursing home and on the farm, Darrel was able to buy a sweet muscle car to drive. It was definitely his pride and joy!

Gone but not Forgotten.

Clipping from the Nebraska Journal Leader in memory of losing a family member too young.

The Twins

Born Nov. 13 1966. Dan and Darrel were always together and were hard to tell apart.


"It's double the giggles and double the grins, and double the trouble if you're blessed with twins